A monster stalks the corridors of an abandoned mansion, targeting those curious enough to find themselves inside. Two friends break in and discover that all exits have been sealed off. The creature that hunts them is growing hungry for their blood and there is no escape…


  1. 1吸血传说 4.0
  2. 2禁断动画18 6.0
  3. 3鬼三惊3 6.0
  4. 4蜘蛛之瞳 8.0
  5. 5Ghost Game之生还者 4.0
  6. 6养鬼吃人5:地狱 2.0
  7. 7春之祭 9.0
  8. 8恐惧2021 4.0
  9. 9罗纳德是坏孩子 4.0
  10. 10失形 9.0